Saturday, April 30, 2011

Teenagers, Best Appetite Suppressant EVER!

I know some people eat when stressed, but I'm the opposite, which I guess could be a good thing? I'm not sure which I prefer, feeling hungry or feeling stressed and anxious?  I have a teenage daughter.. NUFF said 

My plan was to clean the house and go to the gym. Let's see what will derail that plan today. My goal for the day is to do everything in my power not to let my teenage daughter stress me to the point of no return. Believe me she is capable.   MOM if you are reading this,  I love you, I adore you and I'm sorry for any troubles I caused you when I was a teenager!  Please take back the curse!

1 comment:

  1. There are certainly continuously being typed practical reports, for this fact I present a singular 'thanks '!
