Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm Amazed

Well I jumped on the scale because today is my weigh in and I was completely shocked I lost 1/2 a pound! I thought for sure I was going to see a gain, with all the hurdles I had this week!  I'm still making that trip to Walmart and tonight is going to be a good night.  

I also decided I was going to try and take 30 min before bed to just relax and de-stress. From what I am reading many night time eaters are eating to reduce stress or find comfort in food, so I'm going to de-stress. I'm going to take 30 min, listen to some relaxation music on my Ipod and see if that also helps.

I just thought about something.. Walmart is known for the UN-pleasurable shopping experiences for people stressed out like me. Screaming kids is not my way of spending a relaxing day shopping? I might just head to Target, less chance of running into the screaming kids there.


  1. Love your posts. Keep up the good work. I need to print out that "SMART" chart and stick to it. I was on JC and lost 15 pounds. Went on vacation for the month of Feb and maintained my loss. Amazing. That usually never happens on vacation. Got home and stopped going to JC because I just ran out of money. Need to get back on track. I'm thinking of starting a BLOG. And doing JC at Home/over the phone. Was it hard to set up a Blog?

  2. Thank You. No it wasn't terribly hard to setup. Just create an account at be sure to link to mine so we can share! I'm also doing Jenny At Home, we don't have a center up here. All total I lost 21 lbs since Jan, not as fast as I would have liked but I think it's healthier in the long run!
