Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rough few days, but hopefully back on the saddle!

I had a very rough few days, what started out as a small case of indigestion grew to something more and doctors suggest a possible ulcer. I'm not going to dwell on this because I have a new medication (Nexium) and an anti-biotic to squash the bacterial infection in the stomach.  The other bad news is that I did gain 2 lbs. The logic to that is pretty simple. When I have an attack like that it produces a feeling of hunger, whether real or not is not relevant when you are hunched over in pain. Eating something with some carbs seems to instantly soothe it. A piece of bread one day made a huge difference, another day it was some Ritz Crackers.  So with all those carb cheats It's not a stretch to know that's what happened on the scale. So today was first day in almost a week that I have woke up with no pain and only some minor discomfort. My doctor is confident the JC food is NOT the culprit and told me just to give it until Monday or Tuesday to let my stomach settle a little more. I was given a menu to follow for the next few days which will help and the nurse said it was perfectly healthy. I am allowed to go back to the exercise routine but only if I don't have any pain or discomfort, I'm hoping by the end of the day today I will be able to get to the gym.

I guess there are always going to be things thrown at me to derail my efforts. I'm not going to beat myself up about the 2 lbs, and frankly I would do the same thing over or anything to rid myself of the kind of pain I was feeling, it was awful!   Also sad that I have to trade in some of my foods like my morning pineapple I am going to have to switch to something a bit less acid.   I will replace it with some melon.

On another UP BEAT note.. it's officially summer here, yesterday was very sticky hot and this week is supposed to stay warm. I will just have to remember all the complaining I did about the snow storms this past winter! One of my new goals is to lose another 10 lbs by the July 4th weekend. That gives me a little less than 4 weeks which I think is very doable!  I will keep you posted!

I look forward to doing more blogging this week and getting back on track :)

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