I've had a few people email me telling me they think they have NES. I think it's much more prevalent than we know. The stories all sound so familiar, grew up with it but never had to really worry until hey are older and now the pounds are adding up.. VERY Familiar. I could kick myself in the ass for not having taken care of this sooner, but hind sight is 20/20. I should probably do a full disclosure about my battles with NES only because I've heard and been offered so many tips and ideas on how to just "stop". It's probably much easier to tell people what I have done already <g>
1. I've tied bells to my legs so that my husband can hear me get up. This helped ONCE in a while, it sure didn't help when he didn't hear me and when he did, I would actually ignore him or argue with him half/asleep, he was too scared to fully wake me and I can't say I blame him.
2. I have done the extreme of locking myself in, that has absolutely worked but many times my husband is away for work or goes to work too early and it's not very practical to stay locked in my room <g>
3. Remove or lock away foods - This works to keep me away from the cookies, ice-cream, and the very obvious bad food choices. What it just doesn't help is keeping me away from the Peanut butter, cream cheese, and I've made toast in my sleep. It's very obvious that even though I am more than half asleep, my sub-conscience knows what my conscious mind did to prevent the eating..and sabotages those efforts. If all the obvious snacks are put away or thrown out..I know this in my sleep and head right for the things that are here. No escape.
4. I tried hypnosis twice. The first time I was elated as it seemed to work for like a week.. I have no idea what happened for it to come back, so I made another appointment with a different hypnotist/therapist and she said we should first try some therapeutic things. I did EVERY idea and assignment she asked. NONE of them worked more than a day or two.
5. Tried therapy. I work for therapists and psychiatrists, psychologists so I figured I would try it myself. I saw two psychologists and one therapist. ALL of them wanted me to dig into my childhood and tried to put ideas in my head that my parents some how deprived me. I'm sorry but that is funny because my parents don't have a depriving bone in their body. I had a fantastic childhood, no traumatic events, no my parents did not beat me or starve me. The strictest rule I had growing up and regarding food was "NO food or drink in bedroom" But we were never locked out of kitchen, or had food hidden from us.
When my parents realized I was getting up in middle of the night, it wasn't so worrisome because I would be sitting at the kitchen table eating something.. though my mom constantly warned me that "Eating like that will catch up with you..." I dismissed it as a problem because I was skinny as hell! from High School to the year 2006 I never went over 110 lbs and that was my heaviest! At a checkup I had back in 2004 my doctor did tell me my cholesterol was high, but know what I did? "IGNORED HIM" why? because I thought for sure he was wrong because I believed only heavy/overweight people had high cholesterol! I think that was my FIRST indication that Karma was about to bite me in the ass.. Literally! Even when I had my two girls (within 17 mos of each other) I was back in my skinny jeans a week later after C-sections with both of them.
I think by now you get the idea that I have NO idea, NO clue, and NO means possible to which to end this once and for all. It is, without a doubt the single most depressing thing in my life. Aside from this stupid disorder I am very blessed and have a wonderful life.
May be more hope. I did yet some more research and ONE person sent me an email with the idea that I might somehow be deficient on a hormone called Leptin.
Leptin (Greek leptos meaning thin) is a 16 kDa protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite and metabolism. It is one of the most important adipose derived hormones.[2] The Ob(Lep) gene (Ob for obese, Lep for leptin) is located on chromosome 7 in humans.[3]
So thank you to the people who have emailed me and sent me messages. I had a lot more than were willing to post, so I have to say to them, don't be afraid to, it feels much better to let it out and I can tell you from just doing this blog it's made me much more aware of the fact that there are a lot of people like us out there!
I don't want this to become an NES blog, the main reason I started this was to try and rid myself of any/all excuses, I know that if I HAVE to accept the NES for now, I have to find a way to work WITH it rather than against it. Overcome it, so-to-speak. Maybe that means playing around with caloric intake during the day, I don't know but I don't intend on throwing in the towel just yet.

Tomorrow is another Weigh in for me. Since my "day off" from dieting and worrying, I really have not done much in the way of exercising. I did go for a 30 min walk this afternoon, but that's it. I am NOT very optimistic about the weigh in tomorrow at all. If it does not come out the way I want, It won't stop me. I immediately went back on all Jenny Craig foods today and have remained faithful, I plan to continue that "today".
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