Think about how many times we make promises to

friends, family, etc. Most likely we keep those promises or at least do our very best to keep them right? So why is it when it comes to ourselves, we don't make promises? When was the last time you made a true promise to yourself? How about "I promise myself that I am going to eat healthy today!" or "I promise myself that I am going to work out for an hour today!" ? Seems pretty easy doesn't it? I think it's human nature for us to try and take care of everyone else first and then what ever is left over we will take. But let's think about that more? Yesterday at the gym there was a woman on a treadmill, not so unusual, but this woman had a baby and was breastfeeding. Now that's not so usual, but I found it rather admiring! I asked her how old the baby was and she said 11 weeks. She asked if it bothered me and I told her no way, I was admiring her dedication to herself. Her response was "Well, if I take care of myself, I can take care of her as well". Sounds like a win-win situation. But it certainly does put a cramp in the excuses of some women who had babies and were dealing with trying to lose that baby fat but couldn't find time to hit the gym. The baby finished her business and mom did too, the baby fell asleep as mom power walked her way for the next 30 minutes! HA, why didn't I think of that 17 or 18 years ago?
We take on so many demands of life and work that we forget about ourselves. Putting ourselves first should be priority because then we can continue meeting the demands of everyone else, our jobs, family, etc. Certainly if we had diabetes we would have to schedule our life around watching and monitoring our blood sugar and insulin. So why not if we have a baby, can't we get on that treadmill and take care of our babies at the same time? There is no reason! Now I'm not sure of the legalities of the "gym" memberships out there, but I can tell you this, if anyone had told this lady to stop and I was there to see it, you can bet I would have gladly went to bat for her. The baby was harnessed right to her and was probably happier than her at that time! She was a human rocking chair if you ask me!
I promise that for today I am going to make good choices for me, and put myself first!
I overdid it at the gym yesterday and i blame Lolo. Lolo is a new app I downloaded for my Itunes. This app is amazing. If you are not quite the power runner this app is for you. All the times I got up on the treadmill for a lousy 25 min I hardly burned any calories and I was killing myself! This app gives you custom workout's for the treadmill that not only help you stay on there longer but burn A LOT of calories! I was just trying to stay on the thing but now I've broken every one of my records on the treadmill for time and calories burned!
OK, here is the website to tell you more! I love the music and the trainer is awesome. Really pushes you and motivates you! And yes, that is my Facebook account, friend me if you like, tell me you found my blog!
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