Monday, May 2, 2011

A Hop, Skip & a Jump Away..

I can see my card getting burnt up at Victoria Secrets and Macy's already!

Today was my weigh in and I lost one pound! Don't get me wrong I'm happy with the one pound loss but I thought I had felt like I did better? I did have a few days where I just couldn't get to the gym due to the flooding and roads closed, however I still tried to stay fairly active! Oh well, I think it's fair to say many or even all of us have weeks where we just feel like we did better than the scale says we did! 

I have been reading a lot about nutrition and dieting. I'm finding that not only is it helpful to me, but it's actually interesting. All this week I was pretty happy with myself because I had not one single day where I hit the 1200 calorie limit.. NOT ONE DAY!  My JC consultant surprised me a little and told me that it was OK to go a little over but try not to go UNDER?  What?? Does that translate to eat more?  "Yes she said but more of the smarter choices, it doesn't mean to go have a big fat juicy burger from McDonald's. DRATS!!, I got excited for a moment.  Her reasoning made sense and what I found out confirms this, but if we are MOVING more but eating the same or less, our bodies begin to get confused on what to store. In other words our bodies not think we are starving ourselves. I told her I wasn't feeling particularly hungry but she still wants me to get as close to that 1200 as possible.  I think I will just add a piece of fruit to the end of my day and perhaps I will just increase my veggie intake per meal and I think that should even everything out. My average for last week for calories consumed was 1140 so that does give me a little wiggle room. She also told me it was OK if I was under now and again but try not to get below 100 calories under.

This morning as I was heading to my car I noticed a young girl outside on her porch jumping rope. 20 years ago that would not have been something I noticed, but today with technology such as cell phones, ipod's, computers, the internet, it's rare to see kids outside playing anymore. It's no wonder the obesity rate is up among young kids! I love to jump rope and I started adding it to my work out. I can get up to 10 minutes jumping rope which I think is pretty good!  NOW if I can get my hands on a Hula Hoop... LOOK OUT! Oh what about some roller-skates or roller-blades? Or... I got it.. HOP SCOTCH!  Who doesn't remember hop scotch out in their driveway or getting upset when dad pulled in the driveway and covered your hop scotch board!?  Sort of reminds me of a saying I learned very early on "KISS"   KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID.  From now on if I can't find my way to the gym, I'm going to try and do ONE of those activities.  I have a young niece I can scoop up to help me get back to basics, if, I can get her away from the Wii, that is!

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